Please support our work

Please Donate to Support Anti-Fascist Investigations

We want to take our investigations to the next level and to have even more of an impact - to do so we need your help to pay for server costs, travel and equipment hire.

For the past year, we have worked tirelessly to expose key organisers and activists within the new and fast-growing fascist party Patriotic Alternative (PA).

We’ve exposed the true identities of PA’s regional organisers, the locations of secret conferences and have been gathering huge amounts of intelligence on their activities and members, which will be essential to anti-fascists for years to come.

We revealed PA’s regional organiser for London, Nicholas Hill, took his housemate - a convicted child sex offender - to one of the fascist party’s “family friendly” hikes.

We unmasked ‘Nativist Concern’, the grammar school educated Hitler obsessive who was a host of a prominent fascist podcast, until we revealed his identity.

We unmasked PA’s Yorkshire regional organiser as Sam Melia, a former supporter of banned neo-Nazi terrorist group National Action - now married to PA’s deputy leader “Laura Towler”.

We reported that PA’s Wales organiser was Joe Marsh, the leader of fascist hooligan group Pie and Mash Squad.

We revealed the true identity of ‘Gemma from Cambridge’ the racist yoga teacher LBC invited onto their radio station to confront Labour leader Keir Starmer.

We also unmasked PA’s South West regional organiser, as Claire Ellis, a former supermarket worker radicalised post-Brexit on encrypted messaging apps.

This summer we ran a large-scale surveillance operation to take hundreds of photographs of attendees at PA’s national camp and hike in the Peak District.

We revealed the identity of PA’s East Midlands regional organiser, Anthony Burrows, who advised other PA activists how to avoid being ‘doxxed’.

We’ve also worked closely with The Times on an investigation into PA’s extensive links to banned neo-Nazi terrorist group National Action. Most recently, we exposed the venue of PA’s secretive national conference in Cumbria, which resulted in the event being significantly disrupted.

So far we have funded everything out of our own pockets, but the work we do is expensive and time-consuming. Please give generously and share widely.

If you have any additional information regarding our investigations or any other far-right organisers or activists, please reach out to us confidentially and securely via encrypted channels, using Signal at +447459331025 or via email at [email protected].

Your contributions are invaluable to us, and we sincerely appreciate your support.

Red Flare Britain

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