Red Flare

Far-Right Conference Continues at Hotel, Despite Attempts to Cancel

Shortly after 9am yesterday we informed The Villa Levens hotel that their facilities had been booked under false pretences by fascist group Patriotic Alternative (PA) as the venue for their national conference, as well as tweeting this information.

Throughout the day, the hotel claimed they were cancelling the event. Some groups and individuals repeated these claims, apparently without any independent verification. Our intelligence showed that PA members were still at the hotel and remained there all day.

Claims about fascist activity should not be based on speculation or wishful thinking but on verifiable information. PA are a fringe group whose views most people would be disgusted by, but exaggerated and premature claims of their demise only serve to demobilise opposition.

Yesterday’s events should be a reminder that we cannot rely on business owners and bosses to do anti-fascism for us. The Villa Levens hotel have serious questions to answer about their role in hosting a fascist conference.

If any workers or guests at the hotel have information to share about the conference or its attendees, you can contact us in strictest confidence by email at [email protected] or using Signal messenger on +447459331025.

If you have any additional information regarding our investigations or any other far-right organisers or activists, please reach out to us confidentially and securely via encrypted channels, using Signal at +447459331025 or via email at [email protected].

Your contributions are invaluable to us, and we sincerely appreciate your support.

Patriotic Alternative North East

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