One of the neo-Nazis organising Saturday’s anti-migrant protest in Cannock, Staffordshire is Dylan Tonkiss from Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham. Tonkiss is the 24-year-old son of the CEO of ‘the UK’s leading retirement home developer’ McCarthy Stone.
Tonkiss is a posh boy who lives in a wealthy neighbourhood and spends his free time travelling to deprived areas he has no connection to, attempting to stoke division in their communities. We are concerned Tonkiss could be using his family’s wealth to bankroll PA.
We identified Tonkiss and have worked with The Times to expose his real identity. Tonkiss is the Birmingham & Black Country Local Contact for fascist party Patriotic Alternative (PA) and an active member of PA’s West Midlands regional group.
Tonkiss joined PA in summer 2022 and has been a regular attendee of PA’s events, taking part in fitness training, anti-migrant protests and ‘White Lives Matter’ banner drops. Tonkiss also gave a speech at a recent PA regional conference.
Dylan is the son of John Tonkiss, the chief executive officer of McCarthy Stone, a company which makes millions for an American private equity firm from building retirement homes.

Dylan’s mother, Lisa, appeared in the Daily Mail having spent over £10,000 on turning part of their mansion into a dressing room. Lisa has a whole room for storing shoes.
Tonkiss shows that PA is able to appeal to people from upper and middle class backgrounds. While Tonkiss appears to come from a ‘respectable’ background, he is in a group with links to violent banned neo-Nazi terror groups, and which wants to deport non-white people.
The campaign against ‘migrant hotels’ in Cannock, which Tonkiss is supporting, is being led by Connor Marlow, a neo-Nazi from Stoke who is using the campaign to spread fascist propaganda and promote PA to locals.
Marlow set up a Facebook event and brought PA activists including Tonkiss from Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham and Susan Chetta from Wem, Shropshire, to hand out leaflets and support his propaganda campaign.
This marks a new stage in PA’s development. A few years ago PA’s activists were content watching YouTube videos: now they are active in communities, spreading hatred and trying to whip up racial divisions.
Thank you to everybody who helped to identify Tonkiss.
If you have any additional information regarding our investigations or any other far-right organisers or activists, please reach out to us confidentially and securely via encrypted channels, using Signal at +447459331025 or via email at [email protected].
Your contributions are invaluable to us, and we sincerely appreciate your support.
Patriotic Alternative West Midlands