PA leafleting against Drag Queen Story Hour

Far-Right Group Campaigns Against Children's Entertainment

Fascist party Patriotic Alternative (PA) is campaigning against a children’s entertainment show, Drag Queen Story Hour, currently touring libraries across the UK. The campaign plays on familar transphobic and homophobic fascist tropes of “degeneracy” and smears such events as “child abuse”.

Following a leafletting campaign, PA have begun to directly threaten events. Yesterday PA’s West Midlands group demonstrated outside an event in Crewe.

fascists campaign against childrens entertainment 02 Photo courtesy of @whatthetrans

The campaign against the Drag Queen Story Hour is an import from far-right activism in the US, where Proud Boys and reactionaries associated with Q Anon have attacked events.

It is also an attempt to grow PA through by working with various reactionary forces in the UK, including so-called sovereign citizens and other conspiracy groups.

Last night PA leader Mark Collett discussed the campaign on his regular livestream, applauding his supporters for protesting the events and explicitly stating that one purpose of doing so is to recruit people to PA.

This marks a change in tactics for PA, as they move from secretive and vetted “community building” events and ocassional unannounced demonstrations towards pre-announced public protests.

PA activists have siganlled their intention to protest at upcoming Drag Queen Story Hour events in areas where they have activists, including London and South Wales.

If you have any additional information regarding our investigations or any other far-right organisers or activists, please reach out to us confidentially and securely via encrypted channels, using Signal at +447459331025 or via email at [email protected].

Your contributions are invaluable to us, and we sincerely appreciate your support.

Patriotic Alternative Britain

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